Welcome to Day one of our 12 day Back to School planner goodies giveaway where we are giving away some of our favorite planner, office and school supplies.
So today class, we are going to be focusing on getting back to the basics. Summer is at its end and its time for more routine and often times a much busier schedule, not to mention homework, extracurricular activities, mutual, callings, work, etc. This is exciting, but there are a few things that can get lost in the hustle and bustle of things, so for our assignment today, let's listen to this short little excerpt from a talk by Julie B. Beck.
And HERE is her amazing talk about being "brilliant at the basics".
I love that. So wise.
Okay, so there is the spiritual aspect of this giveaway today. Keep to the basics and become brilliant at doing those little things each day, like prayer, scriptures, family dinners, being nice. :)
So now, on to the fun part of this giveaway.
So basically, haha, this giveaway includes all of your desk type accessories and basic office supplies that are kinda, really cute. This giveaway includes everything you see in the picture above (except for the dining table) and it all fits nice and snug in the cute storage bag.
Here are today's giveaway entry rules, so pay attention class. :)
Here is a link to the Mormon Mom Planner instagram account
ashlie Swainston
ReplyDeleteMarleah ramos
Nichole Blanchard
ReplyDeleteAnnie Poulson
Nancy Howell
ReplyDeleteHeather Dubon
Megan Ulrich
ReplyDeleteSue Mecham
Tara Crouch
ReplyDeleteMaLee Crouch
Mary Riker
ReplyDeleteCheryl Lambdin
Nanette Banz
ReplyDeleteDanielle Porter
Wendy Evans
ReplyDeleteStacey Van Mondfrans
Melissa Wheeler
ReplyDeleteJessie Smith
Alyssa Johnson
ReplyDeleteJean Sims
Jeanne Anderson
ReplyDeleteChrissy Whitworth
Cristal Perry
ReplyDeleteJessica Bedwell
Melissa Tilley
ReplyDeleteLindsey Walker
Hailey Morgan
ReplyDeleteKami Troutman
JaNece Mendoza
ReplyDeleteMartha Smith
Kelly Cates
ReplyDeleteAmy Huslse
Tina Shepherd
ReplyDeleteAmanda Corry
Eugenia Hartsook
ReplyDeleteLori Bragdon
Shari Weaver
ReplyDeleteKari Jensen
Kerry Murray
ReplyDeleteErica Riley
Aubrey Price
ReplyDeleteDanee Davis
Angela Jorgensen
ReplyDeleteEmilee McCoy
Ashlee Bruce
ReplyDeleteKylie Langer
Tina Jurls
ReplyDeleteRose Cristales
Stacey Smekofske
ReplyDeleteStephanie Best
Amanda Cox
ReplyDeleteAshley Watts
Lisa Crowther
ReplyDeleteChristie Foster
Julie Neilson
ReplyDeleteCallie Douglas
Lindsey Fromm
ReplyDeleteAlivia Brown
Jamie Snow
ReplyDeleteHolly Greer
Brittany Chercuitte
ReplyDeleteJennifer Hischer
Charity Keyes
ReplyDeleteKatie atkinson
Dawn Rushton
ReplyDeleteSheramy Green
Michelle Villasmil's
ReplyDeleteHolli child
Sarah brown
ReplyDeleteLeana stinson
Shelley Uptain
ReplyDeleteZina Cormier
Kimberly Murdock
ReplyDeleteKristie Whiting
Katrina Garcia
ReplyDeleteStacey youn
DeAnne Sweeney
ReplyDeleteTammy Holmes
Heather Roy
ReplyDeleteJessica Bruce
Alisha Gale
ReplyDeleteAli Cole