You can probably see that I have a few little puzzles and toys and lace-ups for the younger kids to keep them busy. They are not noisy and they will keep their little brains busy for awhile.

Something else that we love to do is eat. I saw this awesome idea on Pinterest . The idea is that you have a Ziplock bag for each member of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles. Each one has a different treat or snack and when that Apostle/Prophet is speaking you get to eat that treat. We like to mix it up with healthy foods, drinks and a little bit of junk food too. We love chocolate pudding the most so we also put that in Pres. Monson's bag. It's a great time to get the family involved too by each choosing their favorite healthy snack and favorite not so healthy snack and the kids get SO excited to see who the next speaker is so they get the next bag.
I like to print the pictures out on sticker paper and plop it right on the bag. If you're putting juicy fruit or sticky thing in for the treats, it's a good idea to put it in a separate Ziplock bag to keep the picture bag clean enough to re-use for the next general conference so you're not having to reprint the bags each year. Make sense? So there you have it. Those are some of our fun General Conference traditions. It really is minimal work in preparing and adds so much to our weekend.
That is SUCH a cute idea! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea!