Monday, April 16, 2018

The Right Way to Write a Note

by Danielle’ Dimond

I estimate that I say the words “I love you” about 50 times on a good and loving day. On a super grouchy ‘good feelings gone’ kind of day that number is still up in the 20-25 times range (and then after bedtime I may sneak guiltily into rooms to whisper 5 more just to be sure I haven’t ruined them). What can I say? I’m a words gal!  However, I have also experienced that mind-addling effect of saying one word over and over until it loses meaning and I begin to question my very existence in the cosmos. Yikes! Is that what happens when I tell my kids I love them day after day?! Are they questioning their existence in the cosmos because of it?!

I kid, but I definitely feel like us Moms need to up our ‘I Love You’ game once in awhile to keep things fresh, fuzzy and meaningful.

I have just the thing. I mean, obviously, here we are, me writing and you reading this blog post together to find out the answer. Now prepare for your mind to be blown. That IS the answer!! THE WRITTEN WORD is the answer! There are not-so-hidden messages of love in the act of taking out an actual piece of paper and an actual ink-laden pen and spending a few minutes to handwrite a note of affection to a loved one. Just knowing that some person felt the feels of love so strongly for you that they wanted to spend some time to do this archaic thing makes all them warm feelings, super fuzzy. Plus, if my name is written all fancy and decorated (you know, junior high in the 90’s style) forget about it. I’m all heart-eye-emoji feelings for days!

Blog post about the right way to write a note. Let people know you care enough to handwrite a note or card for them!

I KNOW I’m likely talking to the right audience here since most of you are MMP users (or plotting to be) and clearly you recognize the superiority of modern day papyrus and quill over cold electronic messages, so let’s step things up, shall we? Here are some ideas for telling your people you adore them without having to speak a word.

Post-it Notes

Post-its with little sayings of adoration or jokes or quotes or cartoonish doodles on them are so fun to come across by surprise. I like to stick these types of notes on mirrors in the bathroom, on headboards, on laptop screens, inside cupboards, on picture frames, the underside of toilet seat covers and pretty much any other surface that I know the person it is intended for will see it at some point in the day. If I’m asked to house-sit or pet-sit for family, I can’t help myself. I will post at least a dozen or so of these gems around a house to surprise people when they get home from their trip. A surprise note is guaranteed to bring a smile to someone’s face. It also has the added bonus of being super fun to do!


Snail mail is a forgotten art and obviously an avenue to use for loved ones you don’t live with. But picture yourself on your birthday. How much more thoughtful is it to receive a birthday card with a lovely note of good intent written inside that makes you realize that this person wanted you to have this on your b-day and was thinking and planning for you days ahead of schedule…versus a text message that took 15 seconds to thumb out and send? Finding something written just for you inside your mailbox is like a sunny shot of delicious endorphins right into your heart! So why not send someone you love that organic endorphin shot today? Dust off that old stationary (or better, go get some new stuff) and write an old fashioned and papery correspondence to someone and stick an antiquated stamp on it for delivery! Use that MMP to plan ahead and send a birthday card to someone instead of (or in addition to) that birthday text or phone call. You wont regret it!

The Hidden Note

Hiding a note for someone to receive at a particular time brings intrigue, stealth and creativity that is all kinds of dorky fun for the note maker and the receiver. I love to hide notes in books my kids are reading, journals that are left out, backpacks, lunches, inside sandwiches, under pillows, in suit pockets, inside socks, shoes, hoodie pockets, hats, scriptures, drawers, gym bags…people, the possibilities are endless and it takes as much or as little time as you want. It also has the added bonus that if you do this enough, you may even receive one of these hidden notes yourself. I received two of such notes one morning when I set off early to a yoga class. My 14 year old daughter, who hasn’t written me anything since she was 8, left two notes inside the hoodie I always wear to class. One stated that she loved me and hoped I had a good class and the other proclaimed me a yoga master of premo abilities and I grinned (and scratched my head) for three hours afterward.

The Neighborly Note

There is room for notes to people we may not LOVE but who we really like, or appreciate or who we feel may need a little pick me up. It doesn’t have to be a love note. It can be a thank you note, a note of encouragement or compliment or any “–ment,” as long as it is meant to make someone smile and feel noticed. That sister who gave such a thoughtful lesson in RS would love to hear that she said just what you needed to hear. Your neighbor who always brings in your garbage cans would probably smile to see a note taped to the garbage can one day stating your appreciation. Your teen’s friend who left their water bottle at your house would likely feel all kinds of surprised and delighted to find some candy in there with a note saying what a great friend you think they are.

Writing down how you feel about someone has power. You can express yourself without interruption and without the pressure of the recipient’s expressions or reactions to what you are saying. You are free to say exactly what’s in your heart (eloquence is unnecessary and inconsequential) without feeling rushed or pressured. Plus, when you have to think about what to make your hand write down you have to think about how you really feel about a person. It requires an inward inspection of your outward feelings towards another. Whoa, things just got real around here. Inward reflections about my feelings? Sounds intense, but it doesn’t have to be! Just write what you feel!

The written word lasts much longer than verbal declarations or electronic ones. You can read and reread a love note as often as you like so you never have to second-guess something you heard or worry that it will get deleted. The written word of love and truth has stood the test of time! Written documents of worth are framed, preserved, protected, reverenced, analyzed, buried in the ground for thousands of years so some young man can maybe unbury it and translate it to change millions of lives and bring joy and happiness to millions of people alive and dead. Oh yes, I just went there. C’mon! WRITE something of worth to someone you love today!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! I like leaving notes, too, but I don't think I do it as much as you do. I'll try harder.
    Thanks for sharing.
